Monday, February 5, 2018

My Doom Gaming Channel Resurrected on Dailymotion...

My old Doom Gaming Channel has been through hell over the last few years.. Alive on youtube, always for a short period of time, it's main problem has been dislikes... Every time I do Doom Related shit on youtube, I get dislikes from idiots who find my stuff so they can dislike it thanks to an incident I had with the Doom Community in 2015... A rather ugly one...

My latest Doom Channel done in 2017 was no different. One day after uploading it to youtube, I got two scripted dislikes on videos that had no views... Soon afterward I would get 4 more dislikes that month... I shut it down in disgust... For months I didn't want to come back to doom stuff on youtube, reguardless of the great mods (Doom RPG + Doom RLA) I found that I could do playthroughs for...

I Don't want to go back to youtube, especially for channel's that get disliked due to Doom playthroughs being found by such idiots...  I worked my ass off on any and all playthroughs done on the channel, and my only reception I got was dislikes on my last Channel... But something made me want to go back to do Doom Channel stuff, especially after making a survival mode/hardcore mode mod for the Doom Mods mentioned above...

For days I checked for youtube alternatives. 3 were eliminated right away... I thought maybe Bitchute would be good, but they allow comments and dislikes there... I felt that maybe the same idiots would find me, and the presence of a complete idiot who posts on the Oblige Forums on Bitchute confirmed this.. So I tried several other sites, many turned out to be not gaming related but the ones that did all had the same problems (dislikes being allowed and comments not able to be shut off at all).  But I lucked out... In a BIG way tonight...

See a long time Ago I found a channel on Dailymotion by a guy who does Hexen and Heretic walkthroughs... Since Heretic and Hexen were cool games I decided to watch his stuff and loved it. Several times I searched for his stuff, forgetting that it was on dailymotion and not youtube.. But I always came back to it. So Tonight I decided to try out Dailymotion...

Dailymotion is much better for me than youtube it turned out..

1) Number 1, there is no way to dislike a video there! Period. Just a like button... That was a HUGE relief. No way will the trolls be able to do that crap to me again this time... It's a better place there..
2) There is no comment section on any of his videos and mine have the same results.. This is a huge plus for me because I don't want negative comments made by idiots who kept on trashing my stuff
on youtube for years.
3) There is no ungenerous video length limit like on youtube. Back on youtube I had to make all my videos 15 minutes or shorter, thanks to my phone number being used in Google phone verification too much. They wouldn't verify my channels any more later so I had to stick to 15 minute videos. Here videos can be 60 minutes long! But not any longer than that... I will be doing 30-45 minutes a night so that is fine.

Now the negatives are that the popularity of this new channel may be quite small.. I don't know yet, I just opened the video account tonight... I have no plans to monetize it, I don't want to make money off of gaming videos because this is the last month I will be able to do them and soon I will get a job so that will take care of money... I really don't want the channel to be super popular either because of the risks involved (people who disliked the videos finding this new channel or worse)... So basically popularity means very little to me...

Here is a link to the new channel. Currently I have only 1 video on the channel and it has no commentary, but commentary enabled videos will start tonight for a long time (most of the month).. I plan to do several video game series involving me completing randomly generated mapsets in Doom RPG + Doom RLA... I think that might be cool so we will see...