Thursday, February 15, 2018

I am doing a run in Improved Doom on my new channel...

I Have started a run through Improved Doom on my new Dailymotion Account... I am doing a wad I made with a random map generator called av2.wad, which is a retextured randomly generated mapset. I designed this mapset to be very difficult, and because of that I think it's a good fit for improved doom... So Far I have gone through map01-map08 of it..  I intend to do the first 20 out of 30 maps on my channel and after that I will continue using improved doom as a mod of choice there...

So far so good..

I did map01-04 with no deaths... I showed off the cyborg powers and the level up system well... I also described the features of the mod, the re balances, how the mod is meant for slaughtermaps, and such... In map01-04 I fought some tough enemies but got through well... I used the cyborg powers wisely, especially health regeneration, which is a must for a wad like this. I kept putting in points into damage resistance as well, because that can save you big time early on...

In map05-08, which I did today, I had a slightly harder time. During a fight against a time imp (an archvile replacement that has an attack that slows down time) I died. But besides that I did fine. It took me a long time to beat map05 and map06 because they had tough fights throughout them and I had weak guns only.  I used health regen a lot on them and also ended up using time freeze at one point...

Luckily, Map07 and map08 were much easier... I got super OP guns like the semi auto BFG9000 and the Uber Minigun.  With those I cleared out the levels much quicker and finished both maps in less than 3 minutes!  It was fun... You can watch these videos (which are the latest 2 posted) here...