Friday, November 3, 2017

Stupid trolls put my new channel for Doom playthroughs on a dislike bot...

So I started a new channel to do playthroughs of doom mods. I wanted to focus on randomly generated maps so that's what I did. Generated several 32 map sets last night, and retextured one a bit with custom textures.... Wasn't going to release that wad, but decided to run through it in DoomRLA+DoomRPG to do a playthrough of the mods to show off just how awesome they are..

But some idiot got in the way.

I had recorded part 1 and 2 last night... Completed levels 1 and 2 of the wad in last night's part... Apparently somebody doesn't like the fact I am randomly generating maps and retexturing them just for my playthroughs on youtube now.. I've been doing it for a while. Normal textures are fine but custom ones completely blow them out of the water. If am not releasing the wad, there should be no problem right? Well there is... I woke up this morning to find BOTH videos disliked by (I assume) the same person. I don't know if they are the same person but they probably are because both videos didn't get a single view, yet they were disliked, once per video.

Some stupid idiot must have put my new channel on a dislike bot, you know one of those services that you pay for scripted dislikes. Of course youtube does complete jack shit about this. It pisses me off.. I worked my ASS off in the playthrough.  I may have died a lot in map 2 but I was mostly good. Today I recorded parts 3 and 4 and only died once in that stretch.  I am not THAT bad at doom but some stupid idiots want to ruin everything I do on Doom Channels.

Opened up another gaming channel several months ago. NEVER got a dislike there... Did several games (Not doom) and no dislikes happened. In 3 months! Yet when I do a Doom Channel, I immediately get dislikes by some stupid idiot who put my videos on a dislike bot. I know it's a dislike bot. There is no way on youtube to dislike videos without watching them.  That's what happened to me. 2 Videos, no views, 2 dislikes.   My intro video got viewed though, so I don't know if that viewer is the one who put me on the bot.

I WILL investigate this and call out the fucking idiots who did this. I think I have a few suspects already. Some turds who trashed a doom addon I made in 2012 are suspects because I blocked them on this channel. Some complete idiot who keeps subscribing to my doom channels on youtube  is also a suspect, because once I get him subscribed, I get disliked. He is a doom fan too, weirdly... This fucking community is filled with assholes it seems...

I work my ass off on this shit, these playthroughs,  the commentary, everything...  I don't deserve this....

Edit : I figured out more info on the dislikes today... I looked at analytics and there is no sign that the dislikes came from two different people, both are from People from the USA.... Confirming my theory that it may be a dislike bot... No dislikes since then...

I'm waiting to see if the same thing happens again (My videos get disliked when they aren't even viewed) and if that happens I will complain to youtube, about how dislikes are allowed there, how they don't stop dislike bots and worse... I will take action here...

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