Monday, February 12, 2018

Why the hell can't people on youtube play the right Doom 2 mapsets with good mods?!

Something that always irks me about doom youtubers is the lack of good mod support.  What do I mean by mod support?

Well no one is willing to play good mapsets for doom with the right mods...  It's an issue.. A big one... Every time I look for someone playing a specific megawad, I get tons of normal unmodded doom 2 playthroughs and Brutal Doom/Project Brutality ones...  Since I don't like unmodded Doom and I don't like those two mods, I ended up being frustrated with the lack of Good doom mods being played in the right megawads....

Search for the following megawads and I guarantee you you will not find a single good playthrough (that has no commentary and no map trashing BS) in the right mods....

Epic 2
Alien Vendetta
Eternal Doom
Invasion 2
Brutal doom starter pack
Many many more...

Here's the issue. No one does these megawads with the right mods, or any mods at all... Not only that, if they choose a wad, they will not play them in the mods I think are really cool.. The lack of playthroughs of good wads with the right mods is astounding on youtube... Don't believe me... Here is a list of good mods and the wads people have done for them... It's terrible.

Good Mods:

Doom RPG/RLA - Alien Vendetta and Icarus... That's it.
HXRTC - Epic 2, and Randomly generated maps, that's it.
Scoredoom - Nothing to be found here...
D4T - Brutal Doom Starter Pack... That's it.
Guncaster - Plutonia.. That's it. The only playthroughs I could find with this mod were done by
an idiot who trashes maps a lot. Don't want to hear that. So his don't count, because they stink.

Bad Mods:

Brutal Doom- Tons of playthroughs
Complex Doom - Hell Revealed/TNT/Plutonia/Epic 2
(yet another idiot who trashes maps a lot... This one is even worse than the other one!)

For Good Mods, I can't find a single playthrough for following megawads:
Hell Revealed
Eternal Doom
Invasion 2

many many others...

It's an issue... People need to stop playing shitty mods like Complex Doom, Brutal Doom and Project brutality and do playthroughs with mods that are actually good! I've already done that... On my new channel... I've done Doom RPG/RLA Oblige mapsets, and more...  I am trying to fix this issue but I can't do it alone. Other people need to step away from mods like Complex Doom and Brutal Doom.  They aren't fun. They are frustrating and have little replay value.  I think the world has gotten sick and tired of Brutal Doom and Project Brutality... I wish people would recognize that... Play other mods!!!!!!!!