Friday, February 2, 2018

Doom RPG+RLA compatible Hardcore Mode Mod made by me...

I am here with an update to my download for Doom RLA and Doom RPG mods for Doom 2. This download allows people to download all the mods in one package and allows people to get an easy to install package of the mods... Normally It's hard as hell to install and run these mods, but this fixes that...

The fun I had with it was astounding...   But something was lacking in the mod so far... Survival mode... As of late a lot of RPG's are starting to implement survival modes into the game where you have to eat and sleep to survive... This started with Games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Fallout : New Vegas and soon spread to Fallout 4 and Skyrim as well.   So I decided to make a mod that is compatible with DoomRPG that makes it so if you play on Hard or Higher you have to eat and sleep to survive....

The way the mod works is simple... There is two timers that count down to 1 minute and 2 minutes respectively.  Once the first one hits 1 minute, it hurts you a tiny bit (10 hitpoints, which for a strong character with a high vitality is nothing really...), and says you are feeling fatigued... Once the second Counter hits 2 minutes, it takes away 25 hitpoints and says you need to eat... If you ignore these it will get worse, the next time they hit they take away twice as much health and then 4 times the next time and it gets exponentially worse...  What do you do to fight this?

See you have the option to sleep and eat in this... Sleeping activates a script which reduces the value the sleep counter takes your health away to the default... It also makes you more hungry at the same time, (just like in STALKER and Skyrim survival mode). It also makes your screen go black to make it look like you are sleeping... The Downside is that you should probably never sleep in a level where enemies are nearby as it is a huge risk that you will be shot, so you should find a completely safe place first...

Eating works by reducing the amount of damage you take from the eating counter by dividing the variable that stores how much damage you take by 2. It also takes away 1 ration... You get 5 rations in total and cannot get more and once you run out you must complete the level to get more, which restocks your rations to the max count of 5 again... This makes the eating part more tricky, because now you have to conserve rations... You may not want to eat a ration each time you get the hunger counter to hit because you only have 5 and later on when you are further into a long level (like 10 minutes in) you may not have enough rations to satiate yourself then and since the hunger would take away more health 10 minutes in than 2 minutes in (200 hitpoints taken away 10 minutes in versus 25 taken away 2 minutes in)...

The hunger feature may also make super long levels like Map24 of eternal Doom (which takes 45 minutes to get through) to become very hard... So this makes strategizing your build much more vital. Do you want to focus on pumping tons of points into vitality and defense to give yourself more max health to fight the hunger with in longer mapsets? It's up to the player, but this makes a good Character build even more vital for a playthrough of a long confusing mapset than it was before without the survival mode enabled.  I have found that vitality and defense builds don't suffer as much from the hunger and sleep penalties as someone without high vitality or Defense. I had a default build setup without stat points allocated and took 25 points, then 50 points, then 100 then 200 points per counter hit for hunger.... Then I restarted map01 and put tons of points into vitality and defense and found the damage taken was far less... So a Good way to fight hunger is to have a high vitality and defense.. (30+ each)...  Keep that in mind when playing Doom RPG with the Survival mode on...

To balance it out, the survival mode mod only works on Hard Difficulties and higher... It is inactive for Medium/easy difficulty players so that people always have a choice whether they want it on or not. If you do want it on, simply play on hard or higher. If you want it off, play on medium...

The mod was quickly thrown together and is kind of a hack... But it works perfectly now after I tested it for 3-4 hours last night and this morning...

The mod works well.. The keys for eating and sleeping are defined in the right places so all you have to do is bind them to keys in the controls.

Donwload the mod package here... Unzip to your Doom 2 folder... Run Loadrpg.bat from the run box in Windows or a dos prompt to run the mods together without issues... Make sure to unzip all the files to your folder including the source port included. Doom RPG and Doom RLA do not work well with Later Gzdoom Builds and require you only run them with 3.0.1 or before...

There are a lot of controls to bind in the options menu. Make sure you bind Open Menu, Open Shop, Skill Wheel, Use Skill 1-5 and Eat and Sleep to keys! I set Open Menu to Tab, Open Shop to Z, Skill Wheel to E, Use Skill 1-5 to F1-F5 and Eat and Sleep to V and B respectively... It works for me...