Monday, June 19, 2017

Randoom 5.5 is now out (My Oblige Random Map Generator Varient)

 Over the last few days I have been working on a modified version oblige 7.55. Called Randoom, it has several new features oblige 7.55 completely lacks. I made it because I wasn't satisfied with the way oblige made maps... The themes looked too ugly, the enemy count was too low for nuts and crazy maps, and there was no clear way to generate hell revealed style maps in it.

I also wanted to generate maps that took advantage of zdoom features such as slopes especially. I also wanted to make sure there was enough dynamic lighting in the maps, something oblige sorely needs. There isn't enough by default so I added features to correct for these issues...

Features that randoom has over oblige 7.55

-Sloped Arches and "Hole" Windows that show up in Zdoom. They do not break the maps in non zdoom ports because they use zdoom in doom slope format, not hexen format slopes.

-Improved enemy count... Making nuts and crazy maps is now really nuts and crazy and not just large groups of weak enemies. I wanted the map generator to generate insane maps by default and didn't want to have weak (200 enemies or less) enemy counts in nuts and crazy maps 90% of the time. I wanted 600-1000 to be the average... So I tweaked the enemy count a lot more. Oblige should never have had a limit on enemy count, that's dumb. I corrected this.

Scarce/easy = Doom2/MM2 Difficulty
Less/easier = Invasion2 Difficulty
Normal/Normal = Plutonia 2 Difficulty
More/harder = Hell Revealed Difficulty (if ramping is set to high if not it's more like alien vendetta)
Hordes/Tough = Beyond Hell Revealed Difficulty
Nuts/Crazy = Epic 2 Map29 Difficulty

-No More Logos: I despise logos. I don't want to see them at all. They ruin what the map looks like. Each map does not need constant reminders of the fact it's randomly generated. That's just plain stupid.

-MAJOR Theme Changes. No longer do the hellish and urban themes fill themselves with misaligned textures such as marble1, skinsymb/skinmet/etc, modwall/blakwal, panel, etc. Now the themes have proper textures that always look good. Got rid of Marble1, various skin textures, panel, blakwal because they just look ugly. DRASTICALLY improved Plutonia and TNT themes to the point that they look like what they were supposed to look like now.

-Drastically improved the lighting. Now you will see lots more lamps and torches in the maps. This is to improve the lack of dynamic lighting in gzdoom and halo's in mods for it not showing up enough...

-Prefab Alterations. Many of the teleporter, switch alcove, etc prefabs have new variations... This is thanks to some oblige modders on the oblige forums... It's a nice edition. Also rooms are way darker at times now than before.

-Fixing Oblige Bugs...
Tech lamps from doom 2 will no longer be placed in Doom 1.

-Doom 1 theme changes... No longer will you not see Stongarg in doom 1. Doom themes now have major tweaks to make them look much more like what they are supposed to look like! Stongarg added to deimos and hell themes, especially in computer areas to mimic E2M4 (my favorite doom 1 map).

 Screenshots of the maps in Gzdoom (Nomonsters mode turned on for these):

 Screenshots of an insane slaughtermap I generated in Randoom, played with Scoredoom 3.0r2:

 Download Randoom Here:

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